When listing an item through InventoryLab, there are required fields that you must fill out:
Total Quantity: Enter the quantity you will be sending to Amazon. For a Merchant Fulfilled batch, this is the amount you currently have available to sell.
Expiration Date: This is only required for certain items. If an item requires an expiration date, you will see an expiration date Product Alert and a message stating that this is required. If you're unsure if an item needs one, please visit the help pages in Seller Support regarding expiration dates.
MSKU: An MSKU will populate here based on your MSKU customization settings, but you can also enter your own. If you replenish an item, it will be the existing MSKU.
Condition: Ensure the condition is correct based on the default setting.
List Price: Set the price at which you will sell your item.
Label Owner (FBA only): You can select Seller, Amazon, or None.
Prep Owner (FBA only): Choose Seller, Amazon, or None. If you get a "Prep Information Needed" error despite choosing one of these fields, see How to Add a Prep Type to an MSKU in Seller Central.
Merchant Shipping Group (MFN only): Select one of your MFN Shipping Templates.
Once these fields are filled out, you can click Add to Batch to move the item into your batch.