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Can I publicly comment on Amazon product reviews?
Updated over a month ago

While reviews and feedback are important to Amazon customers and sellers, the comments feature on customer reviews was rarely used according to Amazon. As a result, Amazon has retired this feature on December 16, 2020.

You can NO longer comment on product reviews inside Amazon.

What you can do moving forward
A natural first impulse upon receiving a negative product review is to reach out to the customer to try to make it right. Unfortunately, this is not allowed under Amazon’s buyer-seller messaging rules. Instead, your best options are to try to update your listings based on what you learn from the feedback you receive and to focus on acquiring more product reviews.

1) Monitor the Q&A sections on your products.
The question and answer section is another excellent place to provide future buyers with feedback on your products. While you can not ask questions on your own products, you can answer any questions that are asked. Take advantage of this feature by being as thorough and in-depth as you can with every answer that you provide. The better potential customers understand the product, the less likely it is that they will be disappointed by something that catches them off guard.

But make sure to comb through every neutral or negative product review you receive for more information. Did the customer complain about the size or weight of the product? Or how it functioned? If one customer has a complaint like this, chances are others in the future might as well. Double-check your description and bullet points to make sure that whatever issue that came up is explained as clearly and concisely as possible.

2) Update your descriptions and bullet points
In many cases, the negative feedback you receive won’t necessarily provide any information that you can take action on. A customer might just dislike the item or received one that was damaged in shipping, so they decide to leave a negative review instead of requesting a replacement. Get ahead of those issues by adding how a customer can request a replacement in the product description, or in a short bullet point.

3) Generate more product reviews
Product reviews are a numbers game. Leaving comments to defend yourself or your product against negative reviews may have been cathartic, but the reality is that not many consumers were reading your responses anyway. In actuality, the quantity and quality of your reviews as a whole will always be more important than any single negative review or the comment you would have liked to have left on it.

For more information, please refer to FeedbackWhiz blog article

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