You can cancel your subscription anytime through Threecolts Hub by following the steps below.
Note that only the account owner can cancel the subscription, as this confirms acknowledgment of the data retention policy. Our support team is unable to process cancellations on your behalf.
Click Manage Subscriptions in the left sidebar.
Click Cancel Subscriptions.
Click Cancel Subscription next to the subscription you need to cancel.
You’ll be taken through a cancellation flow. Continue to cancel the subscription to proceed.
You’ll have access to the product until your subscription period is over.
Account Type | Condition | Access to Product | Payment Arrangements |
Trial | Cancel before the end of your trial | Until the last day of your trial period | No payment will be taken |
Paid/Active | n/a | Until the last days of your current subscription cycle | You have been billed for the cycle you are in right now, no further payment will be collected |
Note: We do not offer a refund once the period of subscription has started.