With the new List workflows, many changes were made to make the workflow compatible with the new Amazon APIs and to streamline the entire process. Here is a list of changes made to each area so far. We will continue to update it as new changes are made.
Creating a Batch
How to Start Your Batch: When creating a batch, there are now two options: you can either click Start a Batch or use the + icon. Previously, the old list only offered a single button for batch creation.
Layout: You'll also notice that, unlike the old list where all fields appeared in a single prompt, the new layout divides them into General Information and Batch Settings for easier navigation.
Selecting Labeling Type: Selecting your Labeling Preference now happens while adding items to the batch. In the old list, this step was required during batch creation.
For steps on how to create your batch for List 2.0, see Starting a Batch.
Adding Products to a Batch
After searching for an item in a batch, item details are displayed differently.
MSKU Replenishment: If you’re adding an item already in your inventory, a message will appear below the item indicating that matching MSKUs exist. Click the small arrow to select the MSKU you’d like to replenish. Previously, the old list displayed a prompt if the item was already in your inventory.
For step-by-step instructions on replenishing an existing MSKU in List 2.0, refer to How to Replenish an Existing MSKU.
New Inventory: For items not currently in your inventory, you can enter a new MSKU when adding the item to a batch. A "Pending Offer Creation" message will appear, and you’ll need to wait up to 30-60 minutes for this message to clear before proceeding to boxing.
Labeling Preferences: Previously shown as Labeling Preference when creating a batch, this field now appears as Label Owner and Prep Owner on each item you add to your batch.
Additional steps for adding items to your batch can be found here: Quick Start - Listing and Completing an FBA Shipment in InventoryLab.
Box Content Information
Boxing Items: In the previous workflow, shipments had to be created before boxing; now, the updated workflow allows you to box items first.
Pack Groups: One of the biggest changes on Amazon's end is the addition of Pack Groups, which are simply called groups in InventoryLab. Items in one group can all go in the same boxes, but you have to keep them separate from items in other groups. Click on the Group # tabs to switch between them.
Updated Boxing Method: The method for boxing your items has been revised. For step-by-step instructions, refer to Providing Box Contents Using Feeds.
List 1.0
List 2.0
Completing Shipments