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Cost of Goods (COGs) Manager
Updated over a month ago

Access the COGs (Cost of Goods) Manager here: COGs Manager

COGs Manager allows you to input and track cost of goods for individual ASINs.

1) Currency- Please select which currency is displayed.

2) Marketplaces- Please select which marketplace is displayed.

3) Product Search- Search and filter by product name or ASINS. Use commas to separate your searches or to include multiple ASINS.

4) Date Range- You can also filter by date range for COGS that have dates attached to them.

5) Sort by-ASIN, Product Title, Total COGS, Total Per Unit, Total Fixed Cost, Per Unit Cost, Fixed Cost

6) Add COGS: Click to add cost of goods.

A pop up will appear to add Cost of Goods below to be calculated for reporting and profits analytics.


7) Settings: Import, Export, or Delete all Cogs.

Import COGs- Select CSV file to import COGs data
1. Download Import Template
To get started with importing your data, you must first download the CSV template to the right.
Modify and add data to the CSV file, making sure to follow the same format as the template.
Save your CSV file and start importing your data in step 2.
2. Import CSV File
Select the CSV file below and click "Import Data" to import your CSV data.


Export COGs-Click to download data for all cost of goods.
A pop up will appear with the Dare Range of Cogs, click on "Generate CSV Report"


Delete all Cogs- Allows you to delete all Cogs.

8) By Expense Labels- Search by Labels to filter faster.

9) Rate Type- Filter by Any, Per Unit, Fixed Cost

10) Product Status- Filter by product status of Any, Active, Inactive, Incomplete.

11) Favorites- Filter by products you have marked as Favorites.

12) Number COGs- The number of COGs inputted.
-Total Amount (Per Unit)- The total amount per unit
-Total Amount (Fixed)- The total fixed amount

13) Total COGs Amount- Total amount of the Cogs.

14) Average COGs Amount- Average amount of the COGs = Total Amount/Number of Cogs

15) Total Notes: Total of internal notes for the Cogs.

Cost of Goods by ASIN's- Click the header to expand and view all COGS for each ASIN.
The green number box indicated how many Cogs are inputted for the product.


To Delete any COGs, click the header to expand and view all COGS for the ASIN.


Click on the trash icon. A pop up will appear "Are you sure to delete this expense?" Click Yes.

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