We have found that gross product sales are fluffed too much and won't give you an accurate view of your profit, so InventoryLab shows you Ordered Product Sales instead.
To compare your Sales with InventoryLab to Amazon, you will first want to run a Date Range Summary report from Seller Central
1. Visit Seller Central and click the three vertical lines in the top menu.
2. Click Payments > Reports Repository.
3. You will want to request a Summary report for any given month or timeframe where the reports are completely reconciled in InventoryLab. Be sure to select All for Account Type to include as you need both Standard and Invoiced orders.
Note: You will only want to run a report for dates in which all of your orders show as Reconciled inside of InventoryLab for accurate comparison.
4. Once you generate the report, you'll need to download the .PDF file and open it.
Your file will be In Progress. Give it a moment and click the Refresh link.
5. Once available, you'll be able to click Download to download the Date Range Summary report to your computer.
6. Open the downloaded .pdf and add together the Product sales (non-FBA) and FBA product sales lines
6. Navigate to InventoryLab and click the Reports tab.
7. Select Profit & Loss from the dropdown menu.
8. Select the same exact date range that you did when you ran the Date Range Summary report and click View.
Compare the total in the Sales line to the total you received when you added your sales lines together from the Date Range Summary report - they should match!
Note: If you ran promotions that included money off the price of your item (not shipping), there may be a difference that is accounted for when you subtract the Promotional Rebates and Rebate Refunds lines on your Date Range Summary report from the sales total on that report.