The Profit & Loss report is a full breakdown of all of your categorized Income, Expenses, and Net Profit totals for any date range you choose. Any Income or Expense transaction (added by the user or tracked automatically by InventoryLab) is added to the Profit & Loss report based on the date the transaction was posted.
Profit & Loss Report Overview
To view the Profit & Loss report in InventoryLab, click Reports>Profit & Loss.
This report updates regularly as InventoryLab syncs new data from Amazon:
Sales update every 2-3 hours throughout the day.
Reimbursements update daily.
Reconciliation, Refunds, Other Expenses (such as FBA inbound shipments, disposal fees, storage fees, advertising, etc.) update after each payment disbursement (settlement close)
Amazon provides a report at the close of each settlement period with them, which is usually every 2 weeks. This report contains a lot of information that we sync, including a large majority of your expenses, and is used to reconcile your data for the settlement period.
There is a timestamp available on the P&L to show the last fully reconciled date after a settlement report was received.
Note: The timestamp reflects the last full date of data that was reconciled since dates can get cut off in the settlement reports. For example, if a settlement period ended on 1/01/2022, it's possible that some later transactions for that day could be included in the upcoming report, so the timestamp will display as 12/31/2021.
For a full list of what we sync from Amazon please see: What Does InventoryLab Track Automatically and When?
Changing the View Timeframe
The default view of the Profit & Loss report is the current month. You can change the view to specify a preset date range, based on Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, or Custom, then click View.
You can Export any view you select.
Income & Expense Categories
Your income and expenses section contains both items tracked automatically from Amazon and any items you place in the Other Income, Other Expenses, and optional Inbound Shipping areas.
Category | Explanation |
| Shipped FBA and MFN sales. |
Refunds | Refunds back to the buyer. |
Reimbursement | Reimbursements to the seller. |
Shipping Credit |
If MFN, this amount goes to the seller. If FBA, this is offset by a chargeback or promotion. |
Shipping Credit Refunds |
If it's FBA, the seller gets the chargeback amount back. |
Gift Wrap Credits |
If MFN, the seller gets this. If FBA, this is offset by a chargeback. |
Gift Wrap Refunds |
Promotional Rebates |
For example, it can be a money-off promotion or a free shipping promotion. When it's for free shipping, it offsets a shipping credit for FBA. |
Promotional Rebate Refunds |
Good Will |
Restocking Fee |
More info here. |
Order Retrocharge |
Info on this process is here. More info here. |
Postage Adjustment |
Amazon Misc. Adjustment |
Liquidation Proceeds |
More info here. |
A2Z Recovery |
Category | Explanation |
Amazon Referral Fee |
Closing Fee |
Fee schedule here. This category also contains an MFN Shipping Fee called a "Shipping Holdback Fee" or "ShippingHB fee", which is tracked automatically from Amazon. It is a part of the referral fee charged on the product selling price (includes the shipping and gift wrap charges) which is paid by the buyer. |
FBA Fulfillment Fees |
Gift Wrap Chargeback |
If Amazon is doing the gift wrap, they take that money in a chargeback. |
Shipping Chargeback |
Gift Wrap Chargeback Refund |
Shipping Chargeback Refund |
30 Day Storage Fees |
Fee info here. |
Removal Order Fees |
Fee info here. |
Disposal Order Fees |
Inbound Shipping Fees |
Long Term Storage Fees |
Fee info here. |
FBA Customer Return Per Order Fee |
Fee info here. |
Refund Administration Fee |
Fee info here. |
MFN Shipping Label Cost |
Shipping Label Refunds |
Cost of Advertising |
This includes PPC fees if paid using your Amazon disbursements. |
Manual Processing Fee |
Fee info here. |
Retrocharge Refund |
In this case, the buyer got that advanced refund, didn't return it in time, so they were charged again in what is called a retrocharge. If the buyer eventually does turn it back in, they get refunded that charge. |
Warehouse Prep Fees |
Info on services and fees here. |
Selling Fee Refunds |
Sale Tax Service Fee |
In the terms of their service for Tax Calculation Services, Amazon states "If you use the tax calculation services, you will pay us 2.9% of all sales and use taxes and other transaction-based charges we calculate. We will retain these fees in the event of any refund on related transactions." More info here. |
Closing Fee Refunds |
Balance Adjustment |
Examples of these could be if Amazon doesn't give a seller enough in a reimbursement or if they overcharged something. |
Amazon Pro Subscription Fee |
Cost of Goods Sold
In addition to the cost/unit amounts for the items that have sold, the Cost of Goods Sold line on your Profit & Loss report includes costs captured from your reimbursements, returns, and removals/disposals/liquidations as well.
For more information, please see: What Does the Cost of Goods Sold Line on My Profit & Loss Report Include?
Note: If you manually create a category named "Cost of Goods Sold" under Accounting>Other Expenses, the expenses can be lumped in with the COGS we automatically track for you. We recommend avoiding this to prevent confusion.
Other Categories
The Other section is there for informational purposes, and the categories contained within this section do not have any effect on your overall net profit.
This includes sales tax collected, the Marketplace Facilitator Tax, current and previous reserve amounts, and manually entered Mileage entries.
Category | Explanation |
Sales Tax Collected |
Marketplace Facilitator Tax |
More info here. |
Sales Tax Refunds |
Marketplace Facilitator Tax Refunds |
Current & Previous Reserve Amounts
The reserve amounts are displayed for informational purposes and are not included as a part of your income or expenses in the P&L. They are displayed to show that, while you made the sales, the funds from those sales have not yet been released to you.
Note: We receive that amount each time you have a disbursement every two weeks in which we receive your settlement reports. Each time we receive the amount, it's a fresh reserve number, which could include amounts from the previous reserve.
The best way to view the true reserve number is to change your P&L to your disbursement date or the day after.
What's next?
For more information on reserve balances, please see: What is account level reserve?